Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Task #3: Syntax

“But it wasn’t any use.  Nobody came” (174).
Through the use of short, declarative sentences, Fitzgerald conveys the hopelessness surrounding Gatsby’s funeral, the inevitable sadness that stems from the suspense of waiting for people to honor Gatsby only to find, to the readers’ disappointment, that nobody comes. This syntax is unique in comparison to Fitzgerald’s usual lengthy and descriptive sentences. The terse, brief statements bring emphasis to the gravity and sorrow of the situation.

“But, because the offer was obviously and tactlessly for a service to be rendered, I had no choice except to cut him off there” (83).
In this example of a periodic sentence with an interrupter, Nick is justifying his reasons for eagerly declining Gatsby’s business proposal. By putting the main part of the sentence at the end, Nick effectively showcases himself as a proud individual that has his reasons for not partaking in a particular venture. Nick is almost haughty in thinking himself above Gatsby’s business.

“I was immediately struck by the number of young English-men dotted about; all well dressed, all looking a little hungry, and all talking in low, earnest voices to solid and prosperous Americans” (42).
Seeing these men on the train, Nick immediately judges them. We see that Nick is judgmental but is also conveying a truth—there is no originality among these men; the anaphora repeating “all” suggests that none are individuals, and they are all uniform in thought. Fitzgerald is also focusing on the bigger picture of how everyone is trying to do the same thing and achieve the same success in America in the same way.

“I was a guide, a pathfinder, an original settler” (4).
By listing nouns to describe his new self, Nick conveys the idea that he had found his place, and he feels useful. The short declarative sentence expresses a sense of pride and fulfillment. He is firm and resolute in his purpose and set in his future. Fitzgerald’s descriptive and relatable style is also displayed by bringing attention to the character’s mindset.

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